The Science: Numbers Game

The Numbers game is based on an experimental game called "Symbolic number comparison". Like the Dots game, it measures the function of brain areas that allow us to compare quantities, but this time using numbers or numerical symbols.


Building Fundamental Math Concepts: Symbolic number comparison is central to understanding basic mathematical concepts like greater than, less than, or equal to. When children recognize that "7" is larger than "3", for instance, they're using symbolic number comparison. This basic understanding is critical for learning more complex math concepts later on.


Enhancing Math Fluency: Being quick and accurate at symbolic number comparisons can help students become more fluent in math. For example, recognizing that "9" is larger than "5" without having to count paves the way for more efficient problem solving in more complex math problems.


Predictive of Future Math Performance: Studies have shown that children's abilities in symbolic number comparison can predict their future achievement in math. This means that early proficiency in these skills may set the stage for successful math learning in the future.

Symbolic Numbers & The Brain


The left intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in the brain's left hemisphere performs various cognitive functions, just like its right counterpart, albeit with subtle differences due to hemisphere specialization.

It plays a key role in numerical cognition, especially symbolic number processing such as arithmetic calculations, and in visuospatial attention.

The left IPS is also linked with language processing, common in the left hemisphere for most right-handers. Overall, it helps understand and manipulate spatial, numerical, and language-related information


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